Hiring testers: targeting and budget control tools

Our platform is moving towards becoming a universal tool kit for user researchers. We aim to achieve this by creating simpler test creation, analytics, and reporting tools. On top of that, we are constantly broadening new tester hiring options.
This blog post will give you an overview of the hiring tools for both targeting and budget control, explaining how to use them in the test planning phase. This can all be done in the test building phase. Let’s take a look!
Targeting new testers
In addition to using your own network of testers for studies, you can also recruit suitable testers from our user pool. This can be done after selecting participants for your research. Next, you can see the recruitment section.

Under the hiring section, you can define your target audience by demographic, personal, or working life criteria. Conditions include spoken languages, country of residence, home city, marital status, education level, working status, working industry, seniority level of position, salary, amount of children.
Test creators can use these conditions to target very specific people and send out the invitation based on set conditions. We’ve also added options for every criterion for easier selection. Here’s an example of the working industry condition:

Furthermore, researchers can exclude people with some criteria or set screening questions for better targeting.
Budget control options
Test creators have complete control over the hiring budget. By setting the number of needed participants and the payout of each completed session, a sum budget for the test is calculated and shown.

The budgeting section also gives suggestions for setting the payout. We have added this suggestion part to the budgeting to help creators have better results in finding participants when invites get sent out. This data is calculated from past experiences, and the approximate tester has to spend to complete the study. The approximate test duration is also shown here.
Our budgeting suggestions also vary between unmoderated and moderated tests, where the latter tends to be a more complex experience. Moderated tests usually take more time to complete as well.
Final notes
Our comprehensive targeting tool is excellent for selecting specific audiences to send study invites to. Test creators can also exclude some audiences – an example of this being beneficial can be read about in our Lingvist case study.
Also, to reiterate, test creators also have full control over their budget. The suggestions we show under the recruitment panel are only there to make researchers’ efforts easier.