How did a resume builder company deal with usability issues using Sharewell? Case study

The largest labor market-related website in Poland struggled with usability issues. The operation of individual components, navigation, clarity of content, among other things, needed improvement. Researchers responsible for product development used Sharewell. A platform that allows recruiting unbiased users for usability research, and conducting remote research with users in two options, via computer or mobile device.
Aims and objectives
- To discover new opportunities, to improve the usability of the website
- Gaining a broader knowledge of users and their needs
- Obtaining information about undiscovered user problems
Usability metrics
The research team focused on descriptive evaluation of user behaviors in the application environment directly. Due to the fact that the interface has been tested before – it did not cause users the slightest trouble.
The study contributed to the correct evaluation of individual components, navigation and clarity of content.
Methodology: remote testing
The remote usability test is a study conducted on a well-defined group of users using their computers or smartphones. Screen, audio and voice are shared. Making use of Sharewell’s recruitment panel, the creation of such a test with a selected group of respondents is only 5 minutes, in the case of an unmoderated test. Or 48h in the case of a moderated, interview-based test. What’s more, with Sharewell’s mobile app, the testers will answer your questions, giving you a better understanding of what their needs or motivations are. And this will most likely affect your company’s proverbial “5 minutes.”
Sharewell mobile app is available on both the AppStore and Google Store.
Scenario and task
The scenario focused on exploring the critical path of the resume builder, from the moment the user enters the tool until the document is downloaded. It included such steps as:
- Evaluating the filling in of personal data
- Examining the form with work experience and education
- Going through the steps until reaching the “Check and Download” view
- Testing the ability to download the document and the reaction of the survey participants
The survey ended with a questionnaire that asked:
- What was the worst experience during the creation of the document?
- Which aspects are worth improving?
- What did you like about the tested creator?
The user also had the opportunity to add a few words from himself. Beyond the answers to the questions, addressing the above issues.
Conducting the remote test
The great research team conducted the test in three stages:
- A test on one user to check the correctness of the scenario when testing unmoderated
- A test on 5 users
- Test on another 5 users with scenario enhancement
Participants completed all tasks 100 percent of the time. So, in analyzing the recordings based on user behavior, including verbalized behavior, the research team was able to obtain many observations and hypotheses. That will be further processed as part of the product “Insights” process inside of their company.
Start conducting successful user testing with participants from across the globe with Sharewell TODAY.